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New submitted track: Information Systems alignment for Enterprise Resource Planning systems

Title: IS alignment for Enterprise Resource Planning systems
Track proposed by:  Virginie Goepp (INSA, Strasbourg), Valérie Botta-Genoulaz (INSA, Lyon)
Abstract:  Nowadays information systems (IS) are more and more based on off-the-shelf- products like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Due to its standard nature the alignment between the standard software package and the real needs of the company integrating such a system has to be managed all along the ERP project and usage lifecycle. This alignment problem also exists in the case of shifting from full ERP based information systems to alternative solutions such as open source, best of bread or software as a service approaches for example. The target of this open invited track is to make a point on the research on IS alignment including both the ERP project and ERP usage.
Web site: none
Code for submitting contributions: 849f1

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