6 new open invited tracks
More than a hundred contributions, and less than 10 weeks before deadline
On Monday, August 22, the number of submitted contributions to IFAC 2017 World Congress has risen over one hundred. There is still more than two months left before deadline (see call for papers) and this figure is encouraging. At this stage, two-thirds of the contributions are Open Invited Tracks (see here the list of submitted tracks).
One month left to submit Open Invited Tracks
62 Open Invited Tracks have been submitted at this time. The organizers have now 10 weeks left to encourage contributions. Deadline for regular and survey papers is October 31.
Meanwhile, other Open Invited Tracks are still welcome. Deadline for Open Invited Track proposals is September 15. Do not miss the opportunity to promote your favorite research topic.
6 new open invited tracks
Six new open invited tracks are now online:
"Assembly System 4.0": From workstation to assembly line design, from part logistics to information flow management for smart assembly systems in the Industry 4.0 era
Control of intelligent autonomous systems: mobile robots, vehicles and UAVs
Tensor Methods for Modelling and Control
Optimization and control in smart grids
Recent advances in fuzzy control: theory and applications
Diagnosis and Diagnosability of Hybrid Dynamic Systems: Challenges, Methods and Applications
11 new Open Invited Tracks !
We are happy to announce this week 11 new open invited track contributions. The total count is now 56.
4 new published Open Invited Tracks
History of Control in Aerospace; Control for Computing Systems; Industrial Performance Measurement and Management; System Identification for Manufacturing Control Applications
More about these when following the links.
One year left before IFAC 2017
The next IFAC World Congress will take place in exactly one year. We look forward to welcoming you !
The closing ceremony and reception will be followed by Bastille day celebrations including a live concert on the river Garonne shores and impressive fireworks. The video below displays the 2014 fireworks.
Increasing Twitter activity @IFAC2017
The 20th IFAC World Congress is on Twitter, see http://twitter.com/IFAC2017. We have over 100 followers and over 100 tweets. We hope to have many more followers and will continue providing information about submissions to the Congress, about tourism in and around Toulouse, about the IFAC 2017 partners, and about the Congress venue.
5 new Tracks!
Latest 4 submitted open invited tracks: Intelligent Control, Fractional Calculus, Optimization-based Control for Nonlinear Systems, Demonstrator of Reactive Navigation with the Pepper Robot, Financial Supply Chain. See details below.