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Submission Site Closed and Early Registration to End

The submission of final papers to IFAC 2017 World Congress is now over. The PaperCept submission site for final manuscript upload has closed as announced. The deadline had been extended twice, a first time from 31 March to 7 April, and then to 10 April. The Program Chairs are now finalizing the detailed schedule of the 400 sessions and will not accept any late submission except if the authors can provide rapidly a very convincing reason for not having been able to meet the deadline.

Registration issues

Dear colleagues,
The registration team is working hard in answering the questions and issues that some of you have. The fact that about 3000 persons register in less than 2 weeks time makes the situation critical. So please be patient and avoid solicitations that could find answers in the Congress web pages.

Statistics on the over 4000 papers submitted

Submission of IFAC extended abstracts has closed on 7 December, less than a month after the deadline for IFAC-standard papers. All submissions are now under review. The program of the Congress will be announced in February.

Congratulations and thanks to the authors.

Based on the data available on 12 December 2016, the total number of contributions is 4256 which include:


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